A very unhappy cat sits on his golden throne. He's got four gold coins and he won't give them up. Ever. His face says you'd need to kill him first. He lives in a nice house, but it doesn't matter. He just likes money. He says, "What's mine is mine and no other's."
Today is Father's Day and I want to take him to a movie. I don't want to let go of my money since there's not much there at the moment., but my impulse to do something nice for him is stronger. And I know he loves movies.
Last night I had an interesting dream that just popped into my head. I was very upset at a friend for spending all his/her money on unrealistic things. Things no one needs, and then there was nothing left for birthdays and special occasions where he/she might want to spend something on someone else for a change. I don't know why I felt so strongly. I thought I was fine; it didn't matter to me. I guess not. I guess not when it's my turn to receive something in return. But in the long run it's silly. I know all the things my friends have done for me, especially when I don't have money. These feelings are unfair, but not entirely unfounded.
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