A: Journey, Letter, Sorrow, Child, Soldier
Journey: I am taking a trip in the beginning of July. Maybe I need a change of scenery. A change of everything.
Letter: I buy tarot decks and they come in the mail for rewards I now believe I can't fulfill. Very depressing to see. I know I can achieve these rewards but I will have to work very hard and it's draining. So I just walk passed my decks every morning.
Child: I'm suppressing my inner child and have been since I became aware that people are judged by others. Maybe I should just stop caring that people have an opinion that matters. People who judge negatively aren't worth my time or anyone's anyway.
Sorrow: I'm just sad. Period. There are things I am glum about and my sorrow isn't helping. I don't really have anyone to talk to right now. It's making me very sad and lonely.
Solider: I have a serious flaw with trying to suppress my emotions. But when I do let it all out to someone, they have the strong ability to hurt me with it, making me feel like I'm overreacting. It makes me angry when people don't take my feelings seriously. Just because they can't go through what I'm going through or feel what I'm feeling, doesn't mean they have to treat my emotions like they are useless, unimportant, and nothing worth talking about. So I just try to close myself off. I try not to let things hurt. I try to get through life obeying the orders of society on how to have a normal life, even if I don't agree with a lot of it. Normal is a vast word and people conform to fit into its box. But that's a different topic.
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