Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Daily Draw

The Bodacious Bodach:

The way this fey is crouched makes me think he's being sneaky. He's up to no good even if he believes he is doing good. He looks to be in hiding; his wings are perked up and he's on the lookout. He always has to know what's going on around him.
I think this card is telling me that I'm not doing this enough. There are things I'm keeping from people and my feelings are pretty much closed off to them. I want to tell them info (and ask info), but it's hard to get it out of my head. I get questions and worry sometimes from them. They are interested. They want to know. But it's hard. Feels like I'm keeping secrets.

Daily Draw: Yesterday

The Talisman:

Yesterday I spent practically the entire day scanning photos for my older siblings. They were photos of our childhood. I was determined to keep going until I was finished because I needed to succeed. I had put it off long enough. I finally finished at 11:30pm. My older sibs were very happy, so it was worth the time and effort.

Daily Draw: July 26

6 of Wands:

There is a celebration in the woods and under a full moon. On this night, a new being has been born.
On Sunday my dad came over and we had dinner and went to a movie. We saw Public Enemies. Since I'm empathic, I collect feelings when I watch movies. Over time, these feelings change me and how I view the world. On Sunday I felt a shift in me. I don't know if it was the movie or not. But I noticed that I felt differently towards something. It's like I got back some hope. Only it felt like a sense of knowing. It was too strange to describe properly.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Daily Draw: Yesterday

Ace of Coins:

A woman is feeding an infant that has hatched. She has taken care of this egg and now the rewards are beginning to manifest. Something so small is turning into something big.
Lately I haven't been able to write and I didn't now why until last night. I still don't know the full reason, but I'm starting to understand it. I came to my conclusion with the help of a friend. He understands me more than most people, and that scares me sometimes. I always wonder if he's paying more attention than the others or maybe he really is the male version of me like he says. Anyways, he helped me start to address my problems. Maybe that will help in the long run.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Daily Draw

6 of Swords:

A man goes from one island to the next. His land is on fire and he needs to leave. The new land looks bare; he will need to start over, start from scratch. He brings only what he can use.
I've been taking a journey of the mind lately. I keep getting swords, so there is obviously something I'm thinking about. But last night I let go of all the bad. I'm embracing the good stuff. It's time to stop over analyzing and over thinking. Just let things be and let things happen. I can't change how things are going to be. So, I've finally relaxed.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Daily Draw

Seven of Swords:

A wolf is helping a hen down. He seems noble and honest, but he is the opposite.
Either it is me or someone else who is being sneaky and withholding the truth. Today I need to be careful when talking to someone. I shouldn't be completely open because sometimes it is better to give half truths. This person may be doing the same.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Vanessa Carlton
The Wreckage

Daily Draw

10 of Swords:

The Swords are about the mind. Intellect and logic go hand in hand. The 10 of Swords could be viewed negatively, but I like to think of what I need to overcome. The 10 of Swords usually means I'm going through pain and affliction because of the way I'm thinking. Or because of what I'm thinking about. There's a conflict going on inside my head. I'm ignoring my heart and focusing on my mind. There isn't a balance in that. I need to use both, together as one, not separate. I'm still thinking about my indecisiveness. I don't think it'll go away, but now I know what I want. But it also hurts to know. I want to crawl to greener grass. But the denial is gone, so I know I can't go back there. Now I have to face what's coming.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Daily Draw

The Lovers:

It is scary how accurate this is. I wanted to know what was on my mind today and I got this. I've been thinking about this for weeks now. I was told to choose my heart but I've always gone with my head. Now my heart is saying the same thing as my head: 'I don't want to do this'. I'm confused and I want to stay away from this territory with this person. If I make either choices, there will be a price and a commitment of some kind. I call it a consequence. The rational side of me knows what's right for me. But when is it time to stop being so rational? I tried being emotional instead and now I face this decision. There is no win-win situation. Why can't things be comfortable and fun? I need things to be still and unchanged. If I'm still, I'm alright. And if I'm alright, I'm still myself. I don't want to get lost. Why do these things have to be so complicated? Or is it me who is doing that? Am I just making it harder?

*I was doing a daily card for my mom, right after I did mine, and I got Lover using my Little Czech oracle deck. I can't take my mind off this subject!

Daily Draw: Yesterday

Ace of Swords:

The birth of a new idea, decisions, the beginning of conflict. An idea is generating and it's strong enough even if it's not fully formed. It's there and it wishes to be heard.
All day I spent my time watching movies on the couch. I had to be on the couch because I hurt my foot and it was swelling. But I also had to be watching movies because my thoughts were cutting too deep. They were too potent and I couldn't take that. I needed to escape them because I didn't want to be thinking about a specific thing. I even paired the movies with a puzzle, and it worked. I received the relief I needed. I just can't deal with what's on my mind. It's too hard.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Daily Reading

Jessamine: Compassion:

A woman is rubbing oil into her daughter's hair. They are sharing sympathy by being close to one another.
Wow, is this ever accurate. Today there's been a lot going on. My mom had the dentist and a very needed eye doctor's appointment. We all had packing and loads of laundry to do before tomorrow. She was very stressed. She needed a hug and everything she was holding in came out. My mom was happy I was empathic towards her. She talked about sympathy.

*I'm going on vacation tomorrow, a road trip, and I probably won't have much access to the internet. We'll see. I'll be gone for a week and a half. Ciao!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daily Reading

King of Wands:

A father leads his children down a path. They cling to him with excitement. Somehow, while teaching his children important lessons, he makes it fun.
Since my dad doesn't live with us, I've always taken his role. I've been the tough punishment type and my mom is the soft one to my younger brother. I've always tried to set good examples for him without meaning to. I've bossed him around, not because some find it fun, but because he needed it. He turned out smarter because of it. He actually learned something. When we were little kids, I even taught him schoolwork by playing teacher with a mini chalkboard and decks. His teachers reported back to my mom that he didn't lose knowledge over the summer because of my tactics. I was around 11 when we started doing that. I thought it was fun, but as the years went by, it was needed.

Daily Reading: Yesterday

Knight of Batons:

A teen is going off on a mission. He doesn't look too happy about it, but this card is a Knight and Knights enjoy action.
Yesterday I had to go back to shopping to get a few more things. I found out how to get lower prices without shopping online. I do a lot of buying online and I'm really frugal, so I look at prices and usually only buy things on sale. Anyways, it turns out that stores don't like it if you buy somewhere else just because it's cheaper. They matched the price and gave me a 10% discount.