Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daily Reading


This card resembles the tower in some ways. The lightning bolt and the house on fire spring to mind. The house is done with. It's time to get out before you're burned. Get out if you want to live.

The land is as bare as the dark tree. A raven is flying low, which could be a warning for dark times. A mirror is propped up and shattered; bad luck in every sense of the superstition.
This card describes my day completely. I've been up, then down all day. This has been pretty bad. I've been confused and depressed. Bad, bad day.

Earlier I tried to do my daily draw, but I didn't complete it. I drew Temperance from my Pictorial Key tarot deck. I should have finished it to fully understand the meaning of the card. I should have tried harder not to lose my balance, especially since I've had a feeling all week that this day would come. I should have...I could have....BUT, I'm only human.

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