Sheer joy. Reaching and completing goals. A conclusion. Feeling on top of the world between Earth and Heaven. A woman is in the between. Is she ascending to Heaven or descending to Earth?
I'm always stuck in the past and wary of the future. I never want the future to come. In fact, I have a fear of it. I don't want any of it to happen because it means I will change, not just in appearance but also in personality. Will I become cold and callous or learn to accept things for how they are even though they don't seem to be how they ought to?
Today I'm happy for the future. I'm annoyed and apprehensive toward it, but I'm weeding out the negative. I'm making plans to be how I want to be, and that takes time, lots of time. Which means I need to willingly and happily go into the future. I need to embrace it and deal with the past. I'm sure that once that happens I'll be floating, just like the woman depicted.
It is same with me. Stuck in the past and wary of the future. I remember those days I used to recall and rewind everything happened in the past in my mind. What was annoying me that I keep remembering the bitter memories and it made me so pessimistic. Recalling and rephrasing the negative things had left me no peace of mind. I was so weary and exhausted, don't you think so? Then I told myself, this had to be stopped, I want to be happy. So, I am doing my best now to do it in my daily life. Geez, your tarot reading gives me idea how to reflect myself. :)